

The International Organization for Standardization establishes standards and grants conformity certifications based on strict quality evaluation criteria for professional activities and outcomes.

MIRAS has obtained ISO certifications and conformity certificates for multiple areas of activity, providing guarantees for the quality of the products and services offered.

The company's policy is based on satisfying customer demands, promoting quality, and protecting the environment in accordance with International Standards requirements. MIRAS has the necessary infrastructure and qualified personnel for the execution of contracted works: procurement, storage, services, sales, and transportation.


ISO 9001

By implementing the Quality Management System, Miras commits to providing quality products and services. MIRAS significantly improves the quality of its products and organizational efficiency by minimizing production errors, increasing productivity, and reducing waste.


ISO 14001

By implementing and maintaining the environmental management system, Miras demonstrates its commitment to continuous improvement and reducing its impact on the environment as an environmentally responsible company.

The quality-environment policy established and implemented by MIRAS SRL:

  • is appropriate to the organization's purpose and context, including the impact of products/services on the environment and supports the strategic direction of the organization's development
  • provides the framework for setting quality-environment objectives
  • includes a commitment to meet applicable requirements, including environmental protection
  • includes a commitment to compliance obligations
  • includes a commitment to the continuous improvement of the integrated quality-environment management system

MIRAS's quality and environmental policy:

  • is maintained as documented information
  • is communicated, understood, and applied within the organization
  • is made available to interested parties


EN 1090 nr. 2028 – CPR – 886

This certificate attests that all provisions regarding assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in the standard EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011 under the system 2+ are applied, and the evaluated factory production control is in accordance with applicable requirements. This certificate applies to construction products: Structural steel elements, Execution class EXC4 according to EN 1090-2.


ISO 3834-2 2021 nr 3834-795/17/S

Manufacturing of Steel Structures - confirms the ability to produce high-quality structures that comply with European standards and that the company has qualified personnel and suitable equipment for achieving excellent results.


Certificate no. 668P

Manufacturing of fabricated steel products (frames, stirrups, bars, clips, anchors) and preassembled steel products (casings for piles), in accordance with the reference documents:

  • ST 009:2011 - Technical specification for steel products used as reinforcement
  • NE 012-2:2010 - Regulation for concrete production and execution of reinforced and prestressed concrete works
  • SR EN 10080:2005 - Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Weldable reinforcing steel.

Our certifications reflect MIRAS's commitment to our customers and ensure that the products we create adhere to the highest standards of quality.